Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas is OVER!

I am so glad Christmas is over! it seems like every year things cost more & more, and every year my son gets older he wants more & more!

This year he really wanted a Wii, they cost almost $300.00, thats crazy for a 6 year old, but we're crazy so we got him one, knowing full well he'll play it a few months then he'll be done & it won't be played for years.

We have been buying presents since June, right after his birthday, yet Christmas eve we were still running to Wal mart 2 buy last minute stuff!

We only bought for the kids this year because they seem to be multiplying so fast, we did buy the 4 groups of adults who were going2 be there on Christmas day a box of chocolates each.

It just seems weird to me that Christmas is over yet again, because it seems like not that long ago it was Christmas last year!

So anyways I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas & are going 2 have a great new year!

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